The Spirit of San Pedro and Mescaline

Mescaline itself produces effects on us, symptoms that we could describe as mild dizziness, similar to drinking alcohol, a feeling of cold and very rarely a purge or vomiting, all this happens mostly in the first hour during digestion, that’s why it is It is advisable to carry out a proper diet before ingesting the drink


The trip that this drink induces is very sensory, opening in us the doors or entrances that need to be stimulated, the pineal gland is the entrance and the key is our heart, if we do a job, it would be the Chakras or energy centers aligned to the cosmic vibration, It is there where the Archaeological places an interpretation by the Incas and other cultures around the world

Our body responds to the vibration of the places where one is, much more intense when we drink wachuma. The galaxy, planets, stars are always in motion and this shows us the patterns reflected in nature, we can understand evolution today together with our understanding the nutrition and rest of our being in nature will always be a universal language, religions, dogmas and everything we can find are paths that will lead us to the Origin at the end of our life.


About the Healing process

About the spirit of San Pedro we could interpret the feeling of rebirth, after spending almost an hour the physical effects of Mescaline, comes the best part, the enjoyment of the place the music the company and the present day, a soft experience where anyone can deepen your experiences with Sacred Plants
Experiences with sacred plants are very specific to each one, it will never be the same as someone else’s, metaphorically a serious sign if these plants come to you or appear on your way, they may be trying to reach you through any personal channel. , shaman, place or circumstance We could interpret as that each human being is individual and at the same time collective end in common, for a common purpose, perhaps it would be the collective evolution in harmony with Nature, and for this there are many cultures that developed this connection, Cusco is a place where still we can find all this type of rituals and shamanic initiations

Machupicchu San pedro wachuma