Ceremonias para el Espíritu del Agua "Yacu"

Ceremonias Shamanicas
Cuzco – Perú

Actos Psicomágicos Shamánicos

The healing of the shaman is a psychomagic act where the spirit of the water helps to clean all negative energetic charge that we carry in us we could interpret as accidents, physical pain without sometimes having a healing response

Water and its spirits are subterranean forces that help exactly for this type of healing through the specific ceremonies dedicated to the Andean Ñustas or mermaids that must always be kept in mind in every Andean shamanic ceremony.

These energetic forces reach us through prayers, songs and music that the shaman performs, being the water that he spreads over us as a way of cleaning with three other herbs called Ruda, Romero and Retama.

The Samanic ceremony seeks to liberate and heal for an internal balance and evolution of being

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¿Cómo prepararse antes de las ceremonias (Dieta) y cuáles son los requisitos médicos, espirituales y mentales?

Lee más :
Acerca de los Shamanes
Acerca de la Medicina de los Andes
Acerca de las Técnicas Shamanicas