Ceremony of San Pedro Wachuma

Shamanic Ceremonies
Cuzco – Perú

About San Pedro Ceremony

All Shamanic activity in the Andes includes the performance of rituals to change an individual reality a sequence of activities that the Shamans of Cuzco develop and have an important purpose of generating a change in our lives to seek a better quality of life

The Ceremony is in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, small town called Taray 40 minutes from Cusco

The ceremony begins at approximately 6:00 pm with the lighting of a FIRE that accompanies us until approximately midnight, after which everyone can continue if they wish.

The Shaman will take you to a special place where we will perform the ceremony as in Inca times, every Andean ceremony begins with the permission of the Andean divinities they are the main mountains and the Pachamama or Mother Earth three COCA leaves are selected and offered

Then the shaman will give us a perfume called Agua Florida, very aromatic and used in all Andean ceremonies. then we will drink the Wachuma or San Pedro after about an hour we will feel its relaxing effects

The Andean music of the Zampoñas and other instruments induces us to a soft trance where all our senses are sharpened at no time will consciousness be lost, the silence and tranquility of the place helping us for an intense and at the same time very pleasant healing

The psychotropic effects that mescaline produces in us respond to the habitual way of thinking of each one of us, a unique way and at the same time collective and inherited, a perfect setting where the mind will always be in motion.

Our mind is always in constant motion, and never stops thinking, let’s take an example, let’s imagine a car that usually goes 100 kilometers per hour, because it needs it, after taking any natural medicine we include relaxing tea of ​​any herb, as well as Ayahuasca and San Pedro or Wachuma, it helps us to “reduce” the speed of thought, the car that was going 100 kilometers per hour will reduce its speed thanks to the San Pedro Wachuma to 80 kilometers per hour, this means that we will continue to think about seeing and feeling the same, only with a calmer, more relaxed mind, being able to give its greatest potential motivated by the stillness of internal silence and the nutrition through the sounds of nature

The Sacred Plants produce in us a transformation, internal alchemy where we go through a soft and symbolic process of “death and rebirth” each person is very individual and has different times to recover from the effects of mescaline or the medicine called Wachuma, the process of the digestion helps so that during the following hours and little by little we feel very good, that sensation of peace and freedom we feel after going through the whole experience of death, and we are ready to be reborn to share with a different perception of life and of ourselves

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How to prepare before the ceremonies (Diet) and what are the medical, spiritual and mental requirements?

Read more :
About the shamans
About the Andean Medicine
About the Shamanic Techniques
