San Pedro Ceremony in Cusco
The San Pedro Ceremony in Cusco Peru is a soft and comfortable experience with the psychotropic effects of the mescaline drink called wachuma
The San Pedro Ceremony in Cusco Peru is a soft and comfortable experience with the psychotropic effects of the mescaline drink called wachuma
Benefits of San Pedro Cactus In the last 11 years dedicated to sharing the medicine of San Pedro or Wachuma, the people who are still in contact, we can share a lot of information that helps us continue to understand in the deeper learning about sacred plants their connection to the divine source and how…
The healing during the San Pedro trip happens stimulation to the pineal gland by mescaline, opening other states of consciousness
Andean ancestral music is represented by the elements of nature that is why the wind is equivalent to the Zapoña that when reproducing it we need the force of the wind to hear the sound in each cane or bamboo Ancient societies in pre-Inca Peru developed this instrument for their festivities and social gatherings, especially…