
Shamanic Ceremonies
Cuzco – Perú


We are a group of friends who love to share the Andean traditions and their ways of healing negative energies through the last Inca Shamans.

The Incas developed communication with the Andean deities, which today are venerated and considered as sources of vital energy for the harmony of our lives or ALLIN KAUWSAY which in the Quehchua language means good living

Inca winds has designed all the ceremonies in conjunction with shamans of the Andean wisdom preserving the authentic Inca healing techniques with a common goal share the path of evolution and healing of our being

About the SHAMANS

Danilo is the Shaman, he is from the Qeros community where the last Shamans who maintained the Inca wisdom live, he only speaks Runa simi or Quechua, a native language of the Incas and he learned from his grandfather all this shamanic wisdom that today share

Work Team: Juan Carlos Chávez Delgado was born in Cusco, Bachelor of Tourism, knowledgeable and scholar of the Andean culture, tirelessly seeks to recover the Ancestral Inca rites, their ceremonial music and expand knowledge with Sacred San Pedro or Wachuma plants that complement your visit to Peru.

About the
the Andean Medicine of the Shamans

Traditional Andean medicine is based on the use of the forces of nature for one objective: to heal the energy imbalances that we can have in our body.

Shamans say that in our body we carry accumulated ENERGIES and they tell us that they have to be reestablished in a different way according to the Andean tradition, the most frequent of these negative energies in us could be described as pain of any kind in our physical body, perhaps operations, accidents, the work of the Shaman is to remove, heal or sometimes close those leaks of ENERGY from our auric field, through these Andean shamanic ceremonies we seek to reestablish the internal balance and the healing of our being

These are ancient shamanic techniques that today these inhabitants of the community of Qeros have a Mystical mission for the planet, an ancient legend that narrates the return of their children to mother earth, that means the return to respect and communion with our being and planet as a living being

About the Shamanic Techniques

Shamanic techniques can be interpreted as psychomagic acts where according to the Andean tradition the shaman uses elements that help to communicate with the Andean deities and ask for the favors they wish

They usually use sacred plants such as the Coca Leaf always present in every Andean ceremony, as well as the Alchemy of the representation of the cosmos called “Offering to the Pachamama” as well as San Pedro Huachuma or the same Ayahuasca

They also use condor feathers palo santo (aromatic incense) shamanic stones and always persevere with traditional musical instruments all this is the paraphernalia that the shaman carries and uses depending on the situation

About the Andean Ceremonies

These Andean ceremonies are the summary of the energy work carried out by the Shamans of the Qeros community who are considered the last Inca descendants for maintaining their traditions and rites of communion with the cosmos, and the cycles of nature, an alchemy typical of societies. Andes that developed their evolution and according to the transit or movement of the planets

The ceremonies are the summary of an exclusive selection of the best Inca healings from the traditions of Cusco from the Qeros community

What we offer is an experience with the authentic Andean origins with the sole objective of helping and carrying out the work of an integral healing of the Being

Our Proyects

Our main project in time is to perform the Andean ceremonies as in the time of the Incas We want to share the Andean wisdom inherited by Danilo Chaman, a descendant of the Qeros community who are considered the last Ayllu or social group with INCAS traditions