Inca Shaman School

Shamanic Ceremonies
Cuzco – Perú


Andean shamanism in Cusco represents an ancestral tradition that we can find today in the inhabitants of the Qeros community, Danilo invites us through this shamanic path to share the wisdom of the Pachamama

The shamans explain to us that steps or initiation sequences must be followed that bring us closer to a very deep understanding of the Andean cosmovision where it is universally related with the same information that we can find in different parts of the world or in different ancestral cultures

The shamanic path is universal, a source of cosmic energy that unifies the highest vibration, love, which allows us to interact with elements of nature, recreating an understanding of our reality to improve and find a better quality of life



As in any spiritual or mystical experience, the requirement of the physical body is always related, that is to say that we need to connect with cleaning in general the physical in food, mental, spiritual, etc.

In Andean shamanism, always in the mountains is where this path begins, reaching the most important called Apus, who from ancient times help humanity to improve harmony and quality of life in each of us.

it means that they are places of initiations to be able to awaken our consciousness from the simplest and oldest way that has lasted over time, today we can easily interpret the steps or sequences thanks to the last Andean Masters or Shamans of the Qeros community who they maintain their customs since the time of the Incas



The first step is to consult personally with the shaman through the oracle of the Coca leaf, being able to know with great precision to which mountain we should go and where the initiation ceremony should be.

They determine if it is convenient to start the teachings through pilgrimages, very special and important ancestral ceremonies for both the person and the place, creating an intimate communion, a bridge or means of communication with the energies of the mountain or the spirit that inhabits and carries his strength in us


Inca Shaman School
Shamanic Initiation

Inca Healing
outdoor activities are performed

Inca Shaman School
(7 Days)

Shamanic technical teachings

1 week of teachings of the main ceremonies according to the Andean tradition of the Qeros

Shamanic Initiation
(4 Days)

Shamanic Initiation complete

4 days Shamanic Initiation Ceremonies where we will connect with the energy of the Pachamama mountain

Shamanic Initiation
(1 Day)

Shamanic Initiation “KARPAY”

1 day ceremony the beginning of the Andean shamanic path according to the Qero tradition